weird worms


New Member
ok got a closer look at those worms there clear with blacks dots along its back and when they come out there body comes from inside them i no that sounds weird kinda like rolling down a sock but from the inside out any ideas on what they could be?


New Member
Thanks alot im pretty new to saltwater and there is noone in or around quesnel that nos anything.Im gonna try really hard to get a pic of these tiny pink jellyfish i have to they seem to be multiplyin fast thanks again!


Active Member
They can be clear or many other colours depending on what they are eating... so don't let that throw you off.


New Member
yes that is what they look like.I looked online but couldnt really find out whether there good or bad or what they turn into Thanks so much for your help ive kinda gone into this blind my bf god bored with sw so i took his rock and put it into a 10gl i had here and have had it going about 3 months now.I couldnt even get fish here suppost to be getting some this week so all i have are hermit crabs and a lobster lucky i have patience lol


Active Member
They really are only a problem to a few different sectors of the hobby, seahorse fry, fry in general, dwarf seahorses. Regular tanks won't have a problem. They will bloom and then go away for the most part.