weired anemone


OK!!!! i went to my LFS today..and they had some anemones, smaller kind, they had fluorescent green colored tentacles, and they looked like the shape of a bubble tip but MUCH smaller they had 5 of them that came to them from a coral order and the rock had 5 of them on it and they havent seen them before either and didnt know the name of them...anyone have any idea what this anemone is and is it prolific?? the largest one was probably 2" in diameter any ideas?


Originally Posted by GeoJ
Is it Ricordea?
hummm...if its a ricordea its a unhealty one, but they have moved quite a ways from the rock that they came in on at the LFS enless they moved them...but yes the tenticules do look like that of a ricordea just not as full as they should be or as many...maybe i should buy one and see if it is hahaha or just take a pic and upload it that way people could see and maybe know more


Could it be a mini carpet anemone? I think someone in the nano forum recently got some.


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Majano? If so they are pests
Photo credit to Melevsreef

look kinda like these tentacles not so big or sticking up at all and alot smaller more like the bubbles on a ricordia with a little steem, and much brighter