Interesting point Dick Morris has been making several times lately; the polls are identical to the 04 election. Bush was supposedly down by almost the exact same number according to the polls just like Romney this year. Morris thinks that, just like 04, democrats are being far oversampled. Most pollsters, including Rasmussen who blew the 04 election-calling it for Kerry even in the exit polls, are giving a 7-11% advantage to democrats in their poll weighting. Meaning if 50% of respondents go Obama and 50% go Romney, they are calling it a 7-11% lead for Obama. They are actually giving Obama a bigger democrat sampling than he got in 08. So, I think that Co, NM, Fl and Ohio will be a big surprise to those thinking they're leaning Obama. The sampling and weighting are skewed far too much to get a good polling. Morris, using the same 3-5% democrat advantage that Obama won with in 08, shows Romney leading 3-6% in all the purple states, except Michigan, where it is a dead tie.