Well I lost my Perc


I don;t know if you all have been looking at my recent posts of a sick Perc. Well he passed today and I never thought i would say this about a fish, but Im sad. I had him for close to a month, but in the past week he was acting really strange and then today he lost some color and would not eat. I have asked people and I still have no clue to why he died, but that being said, its happens and I will have 2 more just like him in a couple of months.
Thanks guys for opening me up to a whole new world. I'm sad I lost my fish, but you all give me knowledge to keep trying in this hobby. Thanks


Active Member
sorrrry, kid, i was hoping he'd pull through 4 ya
but, you will have better luck with teh next pair, i m sure


A moment of silence for kyarnkid's perc. It happens to all of us kid. Just do your research and try your best, your fish are counting on you to.