well this stinks it was dead!


Active Member
as u some of u know i posted about a shark most likely dead well today i opened him up amd nothing was in the egg except like slime that was white wich would prob of been the males u know what rite? well anyway should i get a new one or not my lfs sells them for $10 a pop and usally they have sharks in em of course im not the lucky one :(


You probably already know your tank is not big enough for a shark. If your friend wants one for his 180 then he could get one himself. Are you sure your friend even has a tank suitable for a shark? In short my advice is to get something more appropriate for a 55 gallon tank.


Active Member
I would wait untill you can have the proper set up to keep your shark long term.
More then likely the reason your LFS sells 10dollar shark eggs is because they Are like the one you got .
And in the case that you opened the egg and inside was goo. It wasn't the males sperm. It was an unfertalized or undeveloped shark . I could go in to more detail but It's not my place to teach such things.


Active Member
i really wouldnt attempt a shark in a 55 its just not a good idea! they need space.. even mine when it was little liked to swim in the open water and it used the entire tank.. just wait until you can afford a bigger tank.. even a 180 is a little small IMO!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ams153
even a 180 is a little small IMO!
I agree with all of the posters above, especially AMS who pointed out that even a 180 is too small for a shark. I have a 210 and I could not even imagine putting a shark in there. It's just not big enough for an animal that will be as big as a shark.


Active Member
some of the bamboo sharks are rated for a 180 tank you must be sure you get the right one.as for 55 gal to start with it accually a very good idea if you know your going to have a suitable home for him as he grows.reason the 55 is a better starter, is for hand feeding have you every tried to reach the bottom of a 180 gal tank? almost impossible to reach everything in it with your hands .stick feeding some species is a good idea but it when it comes to rays and sharks its best to feed by hand you have to teach this animal to feed by doing so you place the food up to its mouth then it wil get the idea that hmm this is food and it will remeber the smell of it as time goes by the fish will start comming to you when he smells it making feeding much easier in a large deep enviroment. Also if you have other fish in the tank along with your baby shark to begin with stick feeding does not ensure your shark will get the amount of food your trying to feed other fish will eat it.
so far this worked for me sorry about your egg bummer


Active Member
yea it does stink but i told tem last night and they were even shocked because other ppl bought eggs and they were all fine it worked out though there getting more in :jumping:


Active Member
id say its only ok to start with a 55 IF you already have at least the larger tank.. sharks need a lot of room to be happy.. even when small.