well xbox360 comes out tommorow!


Active Member
I wonder who is sleeping in front of bestbuy tonight, could it be lots of people on the boards????? NOT ME ITS NOT!


Active Member
my buddy Got one on Friday...he won it from Mtn. Dew (under the cap) and got an early release... I will be waiting for the PS3...Im not an Xbox fan at all...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
my buddy Got one on Friday...he won it from Mtn. Dew (under the cap) and got an early release... I will be waiting for the PS3...Im not an Xbox fan at all...
he actully won! I never win things like that!
But yeah, the ps3 looks tight!


a friend of mine works at best buy and we were talkin bout the 360 and ps 3 and we came to the conclusion that the ps3 is gonna be better.....why? well the xbox comes out tomorrow right?.... and the ps3 doesnt come till next year so if i were playstation i would do what xbox did then improve on the things that the xbox was lacking because there is always something. at least thats what i would do if i were a smart business owner and was competing like xbox and ps are. the only downside would be the amount of money lost during the christmas season. just my thought on it maybe im wrong but it sounds like a good argument. i like both really but if i had to choose i would take ps over xbox