Went to LFS today


New Member
Hi again and thanks for taking time to answer my previous question. Went to my LFS today and I think I'm really hooked....no pun intended. I found myself staring at a 90(92?)gallon bow front thinking "I can make that fit", I bought a book instead. Probably the wisest thing to do at this point. The guy at the LFS said that corals, inverts n such don't factor in to the fish per gallon equation is this true? I ask because I am almost more interested in corals,sponges,inverts etc. at this point than fish.
Hope everyone is well, thanks again


Active Member
Buying the book was a very smart thing to do. Researching first is one of the keys to being successful in this hobby. Although you don't want to overload a tank with either corals or inverts (for their own well being) he's right, it doesn't factor into the equation. :D


Active Member
I disagree a little bit because they are often fed, and any time you put food into a tank you are impacting water quality. They are living animals and therefor they are bioload, IMO. They DO produce waste as well, but it is relative. If you want more corals, then you generally have fewer fish anyway.


New Member
There was a display tank at the store with the rock so covered in various corals that the rock was no longer visible I don't think anything could've been added without it sitting on top of something else. I was told it was under standard filtration methods. It just seemed odd to me. Saw a very nice flame angel and a Hawaiian Convict Tang, the tang was large(I think) about 6-7 inches long. The scarlet...maybe flame scallops caught my attention too. Thanks for the input.