Were do you buy your saltwater mix?


jackie dh

I've been shopping online and I can't find any good deals on the 200 gallon buckets. They adverage around $35 but then they add any were for $17 to $25 shipping. My local FS wants $90! Please tell me there's a better deal out there!!!


Active Member
where in south east Mo are you. At that price it would be worth driving somehwere where the price is cheaper.


Active Member
OK, you are farther than I thought... my bro in law just moved back from Poplar he took a job transfer there. Any LFS's in Dexter, Sikeston area. Heck even the Cape G. area? At that price it would be worth make a short road trip and getting 2. Where does that guy get off charging that much. :mad:
My bro in law used to go to Paducah quite often. Is that too far to look for one?

jackie dh

Nothing at Sikeston, Cape has several shops, but it's a 100 miles each way for me and I just came back from there thursday, so it will be a while before I go back.


I don't know exactly what brand you are looking for but, the Petsmart here sales Coralife and some other brand. They don't carry any sw fish but they do carry the supplies. Might be worth a try. And someone told me if you can print off their coupon off the net they will price match it in the store.



Originally posted by Jackie DH
I've been shopping online and I can't find any good deals on the 200 gallon buckets. They adverage around $35 but then they add any were for $17 to $25 shipping. My local FS wants $90! Please tell me there's a better deal out there!!!

$90 is just crazy. I get mine for $50-55 from any of the various lfs around me.
Still. Online $35 + $25 = $60. Way better then $90

jackie dh

A shop in Cape has it for $45 so I guess I'll be having a road trip next week!