West Texas anyone???


do a search in the aquarium there was a thread recently about texans with a lot of responces.
I am going to move this to the aquarium though.


Active Member
just blue water in odessa, there is 1 more in midland it's over on princeton by the loop in the warehouses there it's called aquarium technologies there phone# is 699-4841 that store you will want to call 1st as they are an appt. type store but sometimes you can catch them there if you are in the area stay away from petsmart as they have only a few saltwater supplies, but something fishy for fish is my best recomendation his fish stay alive the thing with buddy is you will most likely have to order the fish but you probably know that already, i do have some pictures of my tank but i had to restore my computer the other day so i have to reinstall my pictures, but if you search on this forum faces to tank i have a picture of my tank but my brother and stepson are in front of it looking at my fish, and in the photography forum i think the post was called full tank shots i have a few in there it's a 150 what all you got? tobin :happyfish


Active Member
just a 55 gallon with fowlr but i want to get some coral real soon. i think im going coming to odessa or maybe after school 2morrow to get some coral from bluewater. U plan on going there anytime soon? I was going to get a bigger tank but i was gonna go to tech in the fall, but since i started my 55 gallon tank and spent over 1000 already im just gonna go to Midland collge a year then go off to college... in the tank ali have is a clownfish, green brittle starfish, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimpo, and some snails and crabs!


Active Member
i go to blue water basicly for supplies i am preparing (and have been for awhile) to start corals got everything i need but corals arghhhhh what kind of lighting do you have and how much flow? tobin


Active Member
i have a 220 watts power compacts.. what do you have? umm i have a 1100 right now but my two powershead will be in 2morrow and they are 526 gph so that'll put me a 2000 gph... u get ur fish from over here at somethings fishy? He gets a shipment in on Friday so i plan on going there after school


Active Member
yeah i've been doin business with buddy for about a year and a half now, you know you can custom order from him right? i have 1134w mh lights about 2700 gph flow getting ready to add another 500 or so gph and hook up my new skimmer, off subject how does the rebel baseball team look this year, since i moved out of midland it's mojo this and broncho that you know how it is here in the basin tobin


Active Member
we ranked like number 1 in state or we were for a while im not sure, but we are pretty good this year. Thats some good lighting you got!!! I cant afford all that right now still in school. U can get you any coral with that light. Why dont you get you some coral?


Active Member
yeah u can do cuton orders, but he doesnt get coral... but i've never asked him if he would order some so im not pretty sure.