" wet dry " can I get rid of it ? bought a skimmer "


I bought a protein skimmer , can I get rid of the wet dry and when I , where do you run your over flows ( just in the sump or a filter bag , any suggestion . I have bulk head fittings 1" that normaly went to the wet dry.
will there be enough bio load with out it, 100 live sand and 70 rock ( live ).


I'm not going to offer any suggestions on your original question here because I'm still new to this game but I will answer your last question. In your original post you asked if you had enough bio load without your wet/dry. Normally the term bio-load applies to what fish etc. are in your tank, not what the bacteria conversion capabilities are.
In order to answer your original question, we'd need to know the size of the tank, the "bio load" of the tank (how many fish, what kind, what size etc), the age of the tank, the age of the wet/dry, how big is the wet/dry *AND* the age and how many pounds of live rock and live sand. That's why the question about tank size was asked.
It's a delicate balance and you're asking for an opinion that could effect the life in your tank, hence, anyone responding would want to know as much as possible about your tank before giving his or her suggestions.
Just my .02 of course,