wet-dry cannister filter


I would like any info on this model wet-dry cannister filter.It's a Marineland c-220.ABQ 29780. Is, or has anyone owned or used this model for a small 47 gal. reef tank???
.If so what do you think of it?



Active Member
Speaking in terms of generality, Eheim makes nice stuff. I'd be inclined to think this would work well.
However, for a reef tank, a canister nor a wet/dry is the way to go. Both options usually lead to high nitrate problems. Rather, I'd use at least 50lbs of live rock in your tank. The live rock will provide you with all of the biological filtration you need.
With a reef, you need 3 characteristics in your filtration system. Flow, Biological, and mechanical. Your live rock is your biological, as long as you have at least 1lb per gallon.
Your mechanical should be a protein skimmer. If you were considering this filter I'm betting you don't want a sump. You can get skimmers that hang on the back of the tank. The AquaC Remora is a great hang-on skimmer.
Your flow can be provided by a couple of powerheads. Aim for at least 500 - 1000gph of total flow through your tank. A couple of Maxi-Jet 900s will do well for this.


Hi Quint, I appreciate you replying to me. Yes i have about 15 Lbs. of live rock But i don't know if you are familiar with an Eclips with a filter in the hood. I;m thinking the filter that is there now has only a filter pad that i have removed the charcoal from.And a bio wheel. I'm thinking that the more corals i add I will need a better filter I really don't want to get into a refug,cause of space and also $$$$.I want to be able to get rid of the hood and build my own with fans and some good lighting. So what cannister filter if any would you suggest???Something in around $100 or $150. I also have a Penguin 1140 power head 300 GPH.


Active Member
IMO I would skip the canister filter idea and purchase atleast one nice, huge chunk of LR. Reason being is that a large piece of LR will create an anerobic conditon within itself which will help keep your tank more balanced.
Your much better off with regular water changes, a good skimmer and some chunks of LR
I actually don't like canister filters and the only way they should be used is if they are cleaned every few days or you use the canister to run carbon and then only for a day or two..


Max.. Thank you for you'r responce. Well acually what i'm trying to accomplish here is to get rid of the hood on this tank. So being it has a filter built in the hood i have to get another filter. What would you recommend??? Short of a refug.


Active Member
Provided you have enough live rock, you have all the filtration you need as long as you add a protein skimmer and a couple of powerheads for flow.
You need to think of the live rock as your filter.
So take your hood off, and hang an AquaC Remora on the back of the tank (or a CPR Prism or any other hang-on skimmer you like), throw a couple powerheads in, and add some live rock and you are done. You have all you need.
Then build your new hood and lights to fit around the equipment.


Active Member
Give me a little while & I'll post pics of my nanocube. Nothing but a tank, lots of LR, monthly 5g waterchanges and thats it......no extra filters, even took the internal filter out and all thats back there is the pump, but I have left the hood on my tank.
I see what your saying about your tank's hood and removing it, sometimes the only option "Is to use a canister filter" you might be in that catagorie.

I like to keep my tank designs very simple and as little maintenance as possible. You don't have to have a skimmer or a sump if you do very regular water changes and pay attention to feeding/stocking the tank. All you need is water, flow and some LR IMO


Originally Posted by freeweights
I would like any info on this model wet-dry cannister filter.It's a Marineland c-220.ABQ 29780. Is, or has anyone owned or used this model for a small 47 gal. reef tank???
.If so what do you think of it?

Funny you ask this, I just got mine in the mail today and spent the last few hours hooking it up.
A somewhat complicated deviation from the HOB filters ive been used to for years... there is some plumbing to hook up and get going. Also it can result in a disaster if your not careful. For example... if you turn off the filter, and just take the top off, the vacuum will continuously suck water through the intake onto the ground.
You have to first place the module in a plastic tub, then take the intake out of the water, and THEN take the motorhead off. And it still blasts a cup or two of water. Long story short, this thing is just something you want to get going, and then not touch for a week or two.
tomorrow when my MH lights turn on, ill know if that water polishing pad does the trick.... TONS of little particles in the water, main reason i got this.