wet/dry cleaning question


I have a wet/dry filter with bioballs. I've read recommendations that the balls may need to be periodically cleaned but only in small portions (25%). My question is regarding the sponge in my filter that separates the bottom "drip" section under the balls from the sump area. Does that sponge ever require cleaning?
I'm struggling with a bit of a nitrate problem (20-40 range). I clean the filter pad over the balls on a weekly basis, do a 10-15% water change on a weekly basis, have rinsed about 1/3 of the balls one time, 100lb LR, very meticulous in feeding. I've recently hooked in a 10g refugium. Am just curious if the sponge needs attention.


I'd rinse it off with saltwater from your water changes. Whats happening is small bits of deitrous are making it to the bio-balls and the sponge, than rotting away.


Active Member
Not to hijack this thread, but I replaced my filter pad today and it was full of pods. Is there any way to save them? They were all in the media. I put it in some sw and shook it but got only a few. I hated throwing them out.