Wet-Dry filter question


So i plan on getting a 55 gallon tank in a few weeks and want to make my own sump (from a 20 gallon tank) with a wet dry filter. I have a few questions though.
Should i put bio balls in it or rock rubble?
does anyone have a diy wey dry filter thread?
oh and off the filter topic a little bit.
What lights that cost under $300 would you recommend for a 55?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
Should i put bio balls in it or rock rubble?
does anyone have a diy wey dry filter thread?
Neither IMO .LR ....LS and a Good Protein Skimmer should do it.You should be able to find a decent set of lights for $300.Look into retro Metal Halides or T-5's


great thanks.
DO you think just a skimmer (Remora) and a refuge would be sufficient then?
along with LR and LS of course