Wet/Dry Filter sizes?


New Member
Im currently shopping for a wet/dry filter. So far the aqua pro 150 is looking good but my skimmer might not fit. Is it ok to go with a bigger wet/dry? What are some problems you might have with going bigger/smaller than whats rated for your tank?


Bigger = better IMO, if you have the room. I have a 125, and bought a setup rated for 150(max). I wish I bought the 1 rated for 200-250. Good luck.


Active Member
bigger really is better, there really is no such thing as too much filteration when it comes to marine tanks.


Active Member
bigger = upgradable tank :)
btw, before going wet/dry look into a sump/refuge first. if you don't want to go that route, i'll be selling my wet/dry setup that i believe is good for upto a 125 made by aquapro once i have my project done :)