Wet/Dry Filter


what do you think about MarineLand TidePool Bio-Wheel? any one had experience with it?
Thank you in advance


Active Member
i personally don't like wet dry's by anyone, i feel they are better emptied and used as a sump, but this is just my opinion,
IMO and IME, lr a dsb and good circulation
plus an adequate skimmer are all that is needed for filtration, and lr and a dsb for a 75 are @ the same $ as agood wet dry with media and pump
HTH and good luck


Active Member
what kind of tank do you want to have
size ?
fish ?
wet/dry's still have a purpose in some cases


I only have 1 Pair of Cinamon clown, 1 Hippo Tang, 1 Madarin and about 70 lbs or lr
would like to add more in the near future
like Royal Gamma, another Madarin, Cleaner wrass, Firefish(2).
I have some soft and hard coral in the tank
and my tank size is 75 Gallon with Emperor 400 + Primz Skimmer


Active Member
what are your water parameters, why is it you are looking at a wet dry?, you should be fine with the equipment you have, especially if you have a dsb too,
as for the mandarin, be cautious, you really should have a larger tank with a lot more lr for 2, they will probably deplete your pod population, leaving both of them to starve(not that it can't be done, but it is unadvisable IMO)
and the ff, study them before buying, they are a hearty fish, but can be difficult to keep with other ff, just make sure the 2 you are purchasing are getting along well


well, I kinda like to have my filter inside the stand. So I search the web I found That TidePool Wet-Dry filter.
Do you have any suggestion on other filters?


Active Member
ok, one option is a refugium filtration and nitrate reduction plus home to grow food for your mandarin and tang, plus it is relatively inexpensive to make
next option is for a wt dry, ehiem has always ben agood one, very reliable and life long filters, have been for decades, depending on the wet dry(they have 2 models, each with and without heaters), @ $200, give or take and depending on which you would want, if i were buying one, it would be the eheim, i have researched them extensively about 3-4 months ago and this is what i came up with


Active Member
Save the money on the wet/dry and by LIve rock instead. You will be better off.


Very good idea
I am planning to add more live sand into my tank
Well, I kinda new to this hoppy, what is a refugium filtration? and how can I make it?
Thank you in advance


Active Member
sorry, that should ahave been a refugium which ofers filtration and .........
a refugium is basically a spare container or a small tank, in which you add extra water to your system(liike a sump) and more biofilter extra dsb and lr and macroo algae, which the sand adn lr will breed pods(food and cleaners) and teh algae helps with nutrient export, as will provide food for your fishes , the whole system increases youur biofilters capabilities and feeds you fish,; BEST OF ALL even with the sand and lr, it should be very inexpensive to build can be done for WELL under $100 depending on you(most are 35 to 75)
they also add o2 to the h20
HTH and good luck


Active Member
you can use a smaller tank, or a rubbermaid container, sand adn some lr, other than that, it is all plumbing and some lights
iam currently in the process of building mine(planning stage), so maybe someone else can elaborate on the plans BETTER than myself