wet dry filter ?


New Member
I have a wet dry filter which was installed by the lfs and they left with the boxes and instructions. Not to good with the equipment. everything seemed to be running great when I came home there were massive amounts of tiny bubbles everywhere in the tank, of course the lfs is closed, I have to apologize ahead of time for not knowing too much abt wet/dry filter system. Not really sure what to check for. Any help would be appreciated. I cant even give the name of filter system all I know is its the wet/dry. I think it is a CY194. thanks for any help


Check the water level in the wet/dry, you may need to add some water to it so that your pump, (internal or external?) is not sucking air it may be evaprorating.
It could be that a valve has to be opened further on the drain side.
Could you tell me how your return lines are hooded up?
Is it and external or internal overflow? How does the water get to the sump?


check to make sure that the water coming out of the skimmer is not dumping right next to the intake for the return pump. if this is the case, the bubbles coming out of the skimmer are most likely being sucked right into the pump and being shot back into your tank.
if you find this is the issue, the best way to remedy this is to drill a hole in the side of the bio-ball compartment, and replumb your skimmer so that it dumps the water into the middle of the balls. trickling back down the rest of the way will give the microbubbles time to break up.
this is how my system runs, and i went from a ton of bubbles (like you have) to absolutely 0.
ill make an illustration and post it in a sec.


does ur return pump have an air thing on it because sometimes i turn my air on because it looks cool with bubbles in it