Wet/Dry for Reef


New Member
I was looking at ordering a Reef Ready 100 Gallon tank from Tenecor with a Wet/Dry system. I was told that I shouldn't use a Wet/Dry filter with a Skimmer attached to it for a Reef tank. What do you guys think?


imho i wouldnt use the wet dry with the bioballs because i feel that it works to efficiently at breaking down the waste into nitrate and you will have a battle with high nitrates.
on the other hand use it as a fuge, leave the bioballs out and put in a 4" layer of sand and grow macro algae in it to help export the trates and phosphate. you will if done properly not have a problem with trates this way and be much happier.
one other question will it be a fo, fowlr, or a reef?