wet/dry in my 75gl?


I'm researching for a 75gl tank I just got and would like to keep the tank as free of clutter as possible. Have a 48" compact. Will probably do a Fish & invert tank over the next several months and then eventually go reef. I would like not to have to see all the power heads, heaters, skimmers, filters... does this mean I have to drill & do a wet/dry? how do you hide the powerheads?
can a hang on w/d hold a heater? what about the second heater?
do you have to drill to do a w/d? and do I need a sump & a pump or are they the same?????
thnx in advance


if your tank is not drilled you will have to get a prefilter box... this hangs on the side and allows the water to drain in your wet/dry..


ok, but what about powerheads & pumps? does a w/d require a sump in the tank or only a pump underneath? How do I get alot of circulation in the tank without several powerheads hanging all over the place?