wet/dry or sump?


Active Member
as i keep looking into this i am getting more confused. some say ones better than the other and some say the opposite..
any advice here?
is there a way to make the wetdry a sump?
i can post pics of the 2 im looking at if it helps. i am searching for a sump or wet/dry depending on responses here . my filter system is going downhill and is in big need of a new filter system..
thanks in advance
Do a DIY sump. Get an old tank and make your own. Saves lots of money. You can put a fuge in the sump, your skimmer, and if you run a phosbane reactor you can put that in there as well. I put my heaters in there too. You can find alot of DIY sump forums.
If you want a wet/dry effect put bio balls in the return of your sump. I'm in the process of removing them, they get into the return pump and slow down the flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by privatejoker
Do a DIY sump. Get an old tank and make your own. Saves lots of money. You can put a fuge in the sump, your skimmer, and if you run a phosbane reactor you can put that in there as well. I put my heaters in there too. You can find alot of DIY sump forums.
If you want a wet/dry effect put bio balls in the return of your sump. I'm in the process of removing them, they get into the return pump and slow down the flow.
what do you mean put them in the return of your sump?
like before the water gets pumped back up into the tank..? near the return pump?


Originally Posted by bill109
what do you mean put them in the return of your sump?
like before the water gets pumped back up into the tank..? near the return pump?
It sounds like they didn't do it the correct way! The return they are talking about is where the water is returned back to the tank, but the bio balls, in my wet/dry is one of the first filtration methods used (besides the foam filter on the overflow). For instance, on my wet/dry, the water comes from my tank, down a line and into my wet/dry (before it gets in the line, it goes through a foam filter in my overflow area), from there the wet/dry has a chamber full of bio balls (biological filtration) w/ egg crate at the bottom to keep the balls from even getting close to my pump (which pumps water back into the tank). Then the wet/dry has a sponge basically "blocking" the opening where the water flows over to the pump, and from there I just added a few extra media bags (1 w/ glass rings, 1 w/ceramic rings & 1 w/ carbon) just to add to the filtration. It's not that one is better than the other, and people may say that, but it all comes down to personal preference. And they are right, if you have an extra tank laying around, use that as a sump, or wet/dry. You can convert an old tank for under $40 just depending on how crazy you want to get with the chambers etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by B_Clark711
It sounds like they didn't do it the correct way! The return they are talking about is where the water is returned back to the tank, but the bio balls, in my wet/dry is one of the first filtration methods used (besides the foam filter on the overflow). For instance, on my wet/dry, the water comes from my tank, down a line and into my wet/dry (before it gets in the line, it goes through a foam filter in my overflow area), from there the wet/dry has a chamber full of bio balls (biological filtration) w/ egg crate at the bottom to keep the balls from even getting close to my pump (which pumps water back into the tank). Then the wet/dry has a sponge basically "blocking" the opening where the water flows over to the pump, and from there I just added a few extra media bags (1 w/ glass rings, 1 w/ceramic rings & 1 w/ carbon) just to add to the filtration. It's not that one is better than the other, and people may say that, but it all comes down to personal preference. And they are right, if you have an extra tank laying around, use that as a sump, or wet/dry. You can convert an old tank for under $40 just depending on how crazy you want to get with the chambers etc.
could u put a pic up? my wet dry is almost here and u said u did a few estra things..
could u post some?!
thanks for all your time!


Originally Posted by bill109
could u put a pic up? my wet dry is almost here and u said u did a few estra things..
could u post some?!
thanks for all your time!
Sure. I am in the midst of buying a car (my wife and I are expecting our 1st child in Sept.) so hopefully I can snap a few shots on lunch and post them when I get back to work, but it all depends on how busy I am this afternoon. Accounting work dude! LOL Anyway, as I said, basically the only "extra things" I did was fill a few media bags, 1 w/ carbon, 1 w/ ceramic rings & 1 w/ Ehfisubstrat Pro (glass), so there really is nothing to it, but I will definitely post pics if you would like! In the photo forum there is a post called My 125, and she actually drew some things that may help. Definitely can't hurt just checking it out!


Active Member
Originally Posted by B_Clark711
Sure. I am in the midst of buying a car (my wife and I are expecting our 1st child in Sept.) so hopefully I can snap a few shots on lunch and post them when I get back to work, but it all depends on how busy I am this afternoon. Accounting work dude! LOL Anyway, as I said, basically the only "extra things" I did was fill a few media bags, 1 w/ carbon, 1 w/ ceramic rings & 1 w/ Ehfisubstrat Pro (glass), so there really is nothing to it, but I will definitely post pics if you would like! In the photo forum there is a post called My 125, and she actually drew some things that may help. Definitely can't hurt just checking it out!
congrats on the child on the way
my wetdry that i ordered (yes ordered) donsent come with filter bags. iam going to add an extra baffle with a sponge.. do you think that adding a baffle with a sponge will mess the flow up?
btw is is impossible to add a skimmer to this? lol it seems unless i add a hugee baffle that the intake pump goes in say on the right of the baffle then the water returns on the left side of the baffle it will be filtering the same water and some unfiltered may go to the return pump..


Originally Posted by bill109
congrats on the child on the way
my wetdry that i ordered (yes ordered) donsent come with filter bags. iam going to add an extra baffle with a sponge.. do you think that adding a baffle with a sponge will mess the flow up?
btw is is impossible to add a skimmer to this? lol it seems unless i add a hugee baffle that the intake pump goes in say on the right of the baffle then the water returns on the left side of the baffle it will be filtering the same water and some unfiltered may go to the return pump..
Thanks man! I am pretty excited about it! There is nothing wrong with ordering one, especially if you are working on time constraints, because I would probably order one before I turned an old tank into one, just to be honest. Anyway, I think you will be fine with adding that sponge. I don't have a sponge in my wet/dry, but in my overflow box I have a sponge on my inlet tube (the tube that carries the water from the tank to the wet/dry), and if you have a sponge on your inlet tube, I would not worry about adding a sponge to your wet/dry. There really isn't anything complicated about these types of filters, and you can personalize them anyway you wish, which was one of the main things I LOVE about them. With that being said, try the sponge in the wet/dry, if it messes up the flow, take it out. I am not sure as to what your set up is, or how you are wanting to go about it. But mine is similar to the one you are getting, except short & long, versus tall & wide, but the opening under the bio balls that navigates the water to the next chamber, your sponge should go right there, but as I said, you can personalize it, so instead of a sponge right there, I have ceramic rings in a media bag, followed by Ehfisubstrat Pro (glass bio filter) in a media bag, then finally activated carbon in a media bag. My water is pristine. It's really not that big of a deal however you set it up, and once you get it, you will see exactly what I am talking about! There really is nothing to it, which is another quality that I LOVE about the sump & wet/dry filtration.


Originally Posted by bill109
congrats on the child on the way
my wetdry that i ordered (yes ordered) donsent come with filter bags. iam going to add an extra baffle with a sponge.. do you think that adding a baffle with a sponge will mess the flow up?
btw is is impossible to add a skimmer to this? lol it seems unless i add a hugee baffle that the intake pump goes in say on the right of the baffle then the water returns on the left side of the baffle it will be filtering the same water and some unfiltered may go to the return pump..
Oh yeah, as far as it pumping water that is unfiltered, that shouldn't be the case, as the only way water can get away from the bio balls & to your return pump, is through that opening under the bio balls, and obviously if other filtration is there (sponge, carbon etc.) it will be getting filtered! Keep in mind that you it should have a "water line" that you should use a stopping point, because if you power goes out, and you have that wet/dry filled to the brim, you will have a big mess to clean up!


I am a little scatter brained today, so excuse me, but YES, I run a skimmer in my wet/dry, just choose one that will fit the depth of your wet/dry! That's the KEY!


Active Member
Originally Posted by B_Clark711
I am a little scatter brained today, so excuse me, but YES, I run a skimmer in my wet/dry, just choose one that will fit the depth of your wet/dry! That's the KEY!
its a hob aqua c with a powerhead/pump
so what im saying is it pointless to put the skimmer int he wet/dry? would it be trying to filter clean water int he wet/dry?
or should the simmer stay in the tank?
i would like to get it out of the thank to be honest.. but i dont want a expensive piece of equipment not being used as it should you know?
thanks again!


Originally Posted by bill109
its a hob aqua c with a powerhead/pump
so what im saying is it pointless to put the skimmer int he wet/dry? would it be trying to filter clean water int he wet/dry?
or should the simmer stay in the tank?
i would like to get it out of the thank to be honest.. but i dont want a expensive piece of equipment not being used as it should you know?
thanks again!
I keep my skimmer over in my "return pump" section of my wet/dry, so I guess in essence, it's skimming filtered water, but then again, that would be the same thing as putting one in your tank, because the water pumped back into the aquarium, where a skimmer would be, is filtered. I have never had any phosphate issues or any other water parameters issues with my protein skimmer placed in my wet/dry. It's up to you though. If there is space to put your skimmer in the chamber of the bio balls, then that would be a good place, but if you can't (I can't) then put it in the return pump chamber, and rock on! I don't run my constantly though, I usually run it for an hour or so when I get home from work, and that's always been suffice.


Oh yeah, my wet/dry didn't come with Media Bags either, I actually ordered them for a couple bucks. They are WELL worth the money!


Active Member
Originally Posted by B_Clark711
I keep my skimmer over in my "return pump" section of my wet/dry, so I guess in essence, it's skimming filtered water, but then again, that would be the same thing as putting one in your tank, because the water pumped back into the aquarium, where a skimmer would be, is filtered. I have never had any phosphate issues or any other water parameters issues with my protein skimmer placed in my wet/dry. It's up to you though. If there is space to put your skimmer in the chamber of the bio balls, then that would be a good place, but if you can't (I can't) then put it in the return pump chamber, and rock on! I don't run my constantly though, I usually run it for an hour or so when I get home from work, and that's always been suffice.
why only an hour?
and if u put your skimmer in it wont mess the flow up because it is returning the water to th sump correct?
so the return pump chamber wont run out of water and ruin the pump.


Originally Posted by bill109
why only an hour?
and if u put your skimmer in it wont mess the flow up because it is returning the water to th sump correct?
so the return pump chamber wont run out of water and ruin the pump.
I keep my water a good deal above my water line, yet low enough that when my pump is off, it doesn't overflow. So no, in my case, it doesn't mess anything up. And as for running it for an hour, that's all that my tank requires. Having LOADS of water movement helps tremendously in removing surface buildup, on top of that, my filtration is pretty damn good, so after about an hour of running, my skimmer has done it's job, and I have no more "gunk" filling the chamber. Of course you can run it for however long you like, but I don't NEED to run my skimmer all of the time!


Active Member
Originally Posted by B_Clark711
I keep my water a good deal above my water line, yet low enough that when my pump is off, it doesn't overflow. So no, in my case, it doesn't mess anything up. And as for running it for an hour, that's all that my tank requires. Having LOADS of water movement helps tremendously in removing surface buildup, on top of that, my filtration is pretty damn good, so after about an hour of running, my skimmer has done it's job, and I have no more "gunk" filling the chamber. Of course you can run it for however long you like, but I don't NEED to run my skimmer all of the time!
i wont have a problem with water movement..
i have three number 4 hydor koralia's and one number 3 lol
i have the #4's on the way.. =) along with my sump
ill have to post some pics when it gets here should be tomorrow or saturday if fed ex ships saturday. is says thats the dated delivery.. but who knows.. i will be asking for help/advice on where to put baffles lol
thanks for all your help!


Originally Posted by bill109
i wont have a problem with water movement..
i have three number 4 hydor koralia's and one number 3 lol
i have the #4's on the way.. =) along with my sump
ill have to post some pics when it gets here should be tomorrow or saturday if fed ex ships saturday. is says thats the dated delivery.. but who knows.. i will be asking for help/advice on where to put baffles lol
thanks for all your help!
Nice! Just make sure there aren't any "dead spots"! That's where alot of the leftover food, waste etc. collects and you don't want that, it can wreak havoc on a tank! And please do post some pics, because pictures will help us in helping you! LOL Hopefully I get some time tonight to post some pics of my wet/dry!