Wet Dry /protein Skimmer " Does Anyone Use Both "


DOES ANYONE USE BOTH SKIMMER AND WET DRY IN THERE REEF SET UP. I know many of you are against it but are some of you sucessful with it .
OR CAN I PUT ROCKS WHERE THE BIO BALLS WHERE AND WILL THAT CREATE TO MUCH NITRATES IN THE TANK.I was told that the bio balls do create nitrate levels in the reef. fish only seems ok.
thanks for your thoughts
new fish


I use both and have pristine! water. I built my wet/dry myself and I put in a big layer of prefilter to make sure my "bio-balls" stay clean.


Generally to all -
So...Whats the dif between the bio balls and the live rock in a wet/dry. I think -(and this depends entirely on the way you have set up your system)- that bio balls are great in a wet/dry. Not only do you have a very high gas exchange but the wet/dry itself is highly efficiant at breaking down the nitrites into nitrates. If you use a prefilter and do not overfeed (like so many do) then there is no reason to have a problem with nitrates in a wet/dry. It seems that so many people have written that bio balls are a nitrate factory on the bathroom walls so many times that others are begining to believe it. I for one think it is Bullcookies. Liverock or bio balls suit yourself.
Here is my question. What does the liverock rubble do in place of bio balls and how you going to clean the live rock?

rabid frog

Active Member
I use both and I have my bio balls in, I guess if you start with them in and have no problems then why take them out and risk upsetting your system, I am also about to add a refuguim if I ever get it figured out.. .


I use both a wet/dry(with bioballs)and a skimmer. My water stays very successful. I also use chemi-pure 24/7.