wet-dry/protien skimmer problem


I just got a setup from my LFS and I am having a little problem with it....I have a hang on the side overflow that feeds into my wet-dry/protein skimmer combo unit. the water feeds from the overflow into a prefilter/protein skimmer area. The problem is that the water does not appear to get high enough to pass over the bio balls in the next chamber very well. The water just kind of trickles down the side of the bio-ball chamber. Also the water doesnt appear to be high enough in the protein skimmer to raise the bubbles to the top. I am sort of at a loss as to what to do. If i cause more water to feed into the prefilter chamber, the pump doesnt keep up and the water still trickles down the side...not really sure what I am doing wrong.
Please Help

mr . salty

Active Member
For the balls you could put what is called a drip plate over them.This is a plastic sheet with small holes covering the surface.The water runs on to this plate,spreads out.and drips through the holes across the entirs surface.Kinda like a rain shower...As for the skimmer,,,Can you just add more water to that chamber of the sump??This would raise the water in the skimmer also.If your setup is properly balanced(pump and overflow equal output) you should be able to set the water level,and it will stay.Except for eveporation.I am wondering if your pump is overpowering your overflow.If this is the case,you can put a valve between the pump and the tank.Then you can slow the whole thing down a little to get a better balance...Just a few ideas,hope this helps.