Wet/Dry Question


New Member
Are there any websites that have good information/diagrams on installing a wet/dry filter? I have a brand new 90gal with built in overflow box. I purchased a proclear 150 w/ skimmer off of ---- that just arrived today. It came with no instructions/manual/diagrams, so I'm stuck here looking confused. This is my first experience with a wet/dry (I've used all canisters in the past). I am slowly figuring things, but am afraid of making mistakes. I live in the middle of nowhere so there is little help from a LFS. Can anyone help? Thanks


Whenever I've had problems on understanding a sump I've always found melevsreef.com to be of great help :)


Active Member
It's pretty easy to set up. from the bottom of your overflow (under the tank)you should have a 1 - 1 1/2 connection, connect this with a (supplied) hose to the inlet above the bio-balls container. You should have a pump sitting in the bottom of the L or R side of the wet/dry, connect this to the tube that feeds the water back into the tank, you might have a "Y" or split, if not then just connect the outtake either the to L or R side of tank. Think of it this way. the hose that takes water fromthe tank should flow over the bio/balls, the other hose should take water back up to the tank.