Wet/dry question


New Member
Are there any websites that have good information/diagrams on installing a wet/dry filter? I have a brand new 90gal with built in overflow box. I purchased a proclear 150 w/ skimmer off of ---- that just arrived today. It came with no instructions/manual/diagrams, so I'm stuck here looking confused. This is my first experience with a wet/dry (I've used all canisters in the past). I am slowly figuring things, but am afraid of making mistakes. I live in the middle of nowhere so there is little help from a LFS. Can anyone help? Thanks


We are not allowed to post competitors web sites here but if you leave your e-mail address I may be able to help. I have a 90 gal with built in overflows(aga) and the exact wet/dry which I hooked up without a problem. Its been running perfect for 8 months although the skimmer is below par that came with it. Leave your e-mail and I should be able to help tomorrow.


we're not even allowed to post ANY website referrals here.. even if they are non-profit or would not disrupt the business of SWF dot com... unless u are a mod.. then u can post whatever link you want.


i wouldnt post email addy either, thats how someone got banned.


Originally Posted by llama
Didn't mean to ruffle feathers with the mention of another website. My email is jg303935@mycia.net. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
strange.. u can post yours, but i get banned for posting mine... amazing how that works!