wet/dry skimmer box


I have my new 125 up and running, but a question regarding the overflow box and wet/dry.
It's a CPR CY194 wet/dry with a CS100 siphon overflow. To get the overflow started I'm using a small powerhead, but I don't know that I should leave it running on the overflow. But when I disconnect it I lose the siphon. I've tried plugging the hole in overflow, but that doesn't work. Please, please, any suggestions.

mr . salty

Active Member
I have never had a powerhead attached to my CPR overflow.To get it going I just sucked out the air with my mouth,then put the end of the hose into the box(under water).Never had a problem since...If this does not work for you, just leave the powerhead running...


Mr. Saltey, since you have CS overflow, do you use the CPR wet/dry too? How full should each of the 3 chambers be? The chamber where the water enters and goes thru the protein skimmer stays pretty full, then goes over into bio area, that stays pretty full too, then the sump area is about 3/4 full. I have a RIO 3000 in the sump with a valve that lets me control the amount being pumped back into tank. If i turn it all the way open, the overflow box doesn't keep up and starts the gurgling stuff. I'm really kind of frustrated by this and afraid of what will happen if power goes off. Help, again, thanks.