what a difference the glass tops make


Active Member
I just took one of the glass tops off of my 210 for cleaning and with the MH on what a differnce it makes with that glass off. I have been talking to someone on here about getting some acrylic tops made but now I know I have to get hem as soon as possible. BTW dont know if I can give out that members name.
Ill post some pics here in a minute


Active Member
Yeah, there is a big different.... in fact you'll likely see a difference with your livestock's health too, consider glass tops reduce oxygenation and other gas exchange that's critical for many fish species (especially tangs).
Personally, I don't recommend anyone use glass or even acrylic on top of their tanks. If anything, use egg crate (commonly referred to as lighting diffuser, though it does much less to the light than a glass lid does)


Active Member
I second the egg crate suggestion. I removed my glass top several years ago and it made a huge difference. After installing two fans in my canopy to carry heat and moisture away I have no need for a chiller. Also it's impossible to keep salt creep off the glass top... so it will always end up blocking your light. Corals do much better with the glass removed.


Active Member
I was going to post pics, but it doesn't do it any justice. I can't take the tops off for good till I get the other top. I have escape prone animals in there