What a great board


New Member
My wife and I have been searching the net for a source of information on our tank. I (we) have been lurking here for a few weeks, and are amazed at the amount of information that is available here. I wish we had found this board nine months ago, at that time we might have been able to save a few damsels and corals. Thanks everyone. :)

nm reef

Active Member
bubbatrev(and wife)..... :D ....welcome to the board and you are right......gr8 folks here and for the most part they all try to help without being uppity or cruel about it.......I check on other boards and they tend to get out of hand and very mean spirited.........very nice place here.....I like it much better than any of about 10 others........welcome to the best of the boards......


This is a great board. I found it by accident and haven't left since. I found the site, read the info for a few weeks, and then decided to join and see what was on here.


Active Member
It is a great place to get info and ideas on almost any subject and that it is easy to find the forums is a big plus.


Welcome, you'll love this board. Will get responses to your questions from those who have hands on experiences, with ideas that work for each one. Have fun and enjoy the hobby.