What a mess

I went on vacation to Nova Scotia for a week and got back last night around nine.
I didn't even turn on the light I was afraid of what I might see.
Well today I took a look.
It was horrible, film algae all over the sand and glass and my parents told me my scooter dragonet died while I was away.
I got the algae off the glass but the sand is another story.
My question is what is the easiest way to clean the sand?
I was thinking could I leave the lights off for a while to kill it and then easilly siphon it away?
Adam :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :confused:


What type of algae is on the sand? If it is slime algae then you can siphon it off easily. If not you can leave the lights off and wait for the algae to die off. You should have some sort of animals to stir the substrate, serpant starfish and certain snails are good at doing this. They would eliminate ever haveing a lot of algae on your sand!
In different areas of the tank the colour changes. Some areas are light grey, some pale red, grey, and very deep brown and green.
Snails always die in my tank I have blue leg herimts and a lawnmower blennie and a watchman goby.


thats bummer news. man, why didnt your parents take care of your tank for you???
blame the blue leggs for the snails. as far as on the substrate, you might take a credit card and gently pull it back and remove it that way.
good luck, but that really bites.
Don't tell my parents but I just don't trust them. I am afraid they might screw something up or kill something.
My mom she is always bugging me,
"Why don't you feed them more, look they are hungry, how would you like it if I didn't feed you for a couple of days."
Just to be safe I package a small amount of food for the feeding days in inividual bags and I also hid the food.
Maybe next year I will train them.
" SIT Mother, roll over Dad. Now who wants a cookie." Ha.
The blue legs didn't kill the snails I had them on top of the "reef" before the hermits could find a way up.
[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]