what about base rock..?


at least I got the very important concept down, "live rock is rock, they won't grow bigger"....lol...haha..
but what is "base rock"? can base rock turn into display rock when they have coralline algae on them?
I have big piece of "live" rock that I had boiled it like you boil a giant crab...lol, but anyway, I boiled it for 20min cuz it's got too much hair algae on it, now it's white like pure white. I would consider it's base rock now, but wish to turn it back a the original stage.
thanks for all comments.


It will become live rock again. The live rock is the space and pourus of the rock that let all the bacteria and critters esatblish life on it. base rock is live rock. Its just the larger more acceptable and stable rock to put at the base of your rock display. Where did you get the idea to boil it ? Did you try scrubbing it ? I'm only asking because I'm runnig with minimu light power this week due to some hair algea break out. This coming weekend I was planning on scrubbing the rock.


well, hair algae is not fun to deal with. No matter how much time you spend on scrubbing them, they still come back. However, I wouldn't suggest you to boil the rock. I wouldn't again,boil mine cuz what I did was basically killing everything on that rock. Just take the rock and leave it in a dark container for awhile, hair algae will die off. That way, coralline algae will still be there and ready to grow back when you put it back in the display tank.