What about QT for corals?

fish sense

I have read many posts and FAQ about QT and they are pretty much geared towards fish.
What does everybody do with new corals? Quarantine? For how long?
How about hermits and other inverts?
Or straight into the tank. Of course, this is after picking a healthy specimen!


Staff member
For the most part, no need to QT either. There is a very small risk of introducing ICH from corals, LR or LS IF and ONLY IF these are kept in tanks that share water/filtration with fish tanks at the store. Usually fish tanks are kept separate from the these. However, in some situation this may not be the case. The risk is petty low, particualar with corals. Buy wisely.

fish sense

Thanks, Beth.
What about coral diseases? Is there a need to quarantine corals so that you don't spread coral diseases? Or do they not spread like fish diseases?