What about Well Water?


In a previous post, lots of people said rain water would be bad, which I agree.
What about well water. My guess is that it is better than tap (as it would not be chlorinated), but not as good are RO/DI.
Or maybe it would be becasue it is "naturaly" filtered as it trickels through the ground.


Active Member
Well water is usually completely aweful. Most areas using well water are near farms, and the fertilizer seeps into the ground and into the water......high nitrates and phosphates........the same things we don't want in tanks because it grows algae......they use as fertilizer for crops. Usually very high in iron as most well water homes have the imfamous orange stains on basins, and even stains some peoples hair.....not very good water in general, and most folks I know that have well water won't even drink it, and would rather purchase store bought drinking water. My soon to be brother in law shut down his tank after years and years when he moved into a well water home..........the tank just couldn't keep any fish healthy.


I live in Southern NJ and I have a well. I had the water tested and it has no comtaminants in it. My water system has an iron remover and nutralizer. The pH is about 7.4 and as no nitrates or phosphors. I don't live near any farms either. I have never had a problem with any kind of stains or smells from the water. I've kept FW, African cichlids and SW fish with no problems. I also use it in my pool and hot tub with no problems.
When I bought the house I thought I'd hate having a well. Now I prefer it over city water which smells and tastes bad to me. I guess it depends on what kind of well water you have.
i have well water also nad it great. but i do live in n. cali and its the main are for natural sprig water. since im moving to a reef setup im just going to get water from the store for water changes. its likes 20 cents a gallon so i have 3 huge 5 gallon water container forma spring water co. that i will use it only for water.


Active Member
True, I suppose it depends on the well, I can only speak of the ones around me with any experience, and these are the ones I am talking about. The only wells around here are out in BFE, and all have working farms around them.


Active Member
yeah - too many variables for me too with using well water.
I wouldn't use it when there are other options.
heck - our tap water sucks around here - no telling what the wellwater's like in either a municipal/industrial city or out in BFE rural areas.
You can have it tested - but that test is only good for the time the water was pulled from the well/source.
I wouldn't risk it - nope - no way :p


An RO/DI filter is the only way to go.They are soo cheap today. Just the fact that you don't have to lug jugs makes it worthwhile.Just my opinion(the only one I'm qualified to give) LOL.
whats the purpose how dow you do you hook it up, under a sink or by a fishtank

I live in a condo, and I hooked it up to the washing machine line. Then I went to HD and bought 75 feet of refrig. ice maker tubing. It's the same size as the RO/DI unit's tubing. I replaced the clean water line with 50 ft. so it can run to the tank with line to spare, and the leftover 25 runs the dirty water into the closest bathroom sink. Simple setup works like a charm.


i have well water and its nasty.. use your test kits and see how it looks. but even if those #'s come out alright your not sure what else is in it that u where not able to check for. i fill 3 five gallon jugs at .30 its not to bad.


Active Member
dfosbenner, you live in a beautiful place......I was in a hot tub there once.;) :D Very very beautiful. Great place to get away to if you are close by for a weekend trip.:)