What Additives for nano?


Which additives would be best for my 10 gal? Im just going to have some LR, skunk cleaner, sally light foot, and a bubble tip anenome w/ perc clown. Maybe some type of small coral as well. I was thinking about getting:
Kent Liquid Calcium
Kent Microvert
Kent Coral Vite
Is this what i should get? Thanks for the help guys. :)


Active Member
those are all gooduns...i'd be careful dosing a nano though as it's much easier for things and chemicals to get out of balance. maybe browse/search the nano forum some and see what folks over there say they are using?


I would not dose a nano, just rely on water changes for trace elements. Be careful with micro vert it's a meat based food and too much will result in amonia in your water. Overall with your proposed line up not sure why you would need to do anything other than change 10% water every week.


JMO but I agree with Hondo, the water change should be all you need for a nano. But I would always have the calcium and alkalinity buffer on hand.


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
JMO but I agree with Hondo, the water change should be all you need for a nano. But I would always have the calcium and alkalinity buffer on hand.

Good advice - Hondo check out the new Nano forum scroll wayyyyy down and you'll see it there. Its small now but with regular water changes it'll blossom ;)