What all do I need?


My husband has been complaining about how "boring" the tank is right now. All I have in there are some LR, two Camel Shrimp, and a tiny starfish. What other things am I supposed to get in there. I know of some crabs, snails, etc.. But what exactly and how many do I need? I have a 30 gal tank. Please let me know, so I can get some interesting critters going.


I would put in about 15 scarlet hermit crabs and 15 astrea snails and 15 nass snails. That would be a good size clean up crew.


Alrighty, lots of cleaners! There is nothing in it atm, bc I just got around to putting the LR in it. Its been cycling for at least 2 months now. I just needed to know what kinda other cleaner critters I should put in there..


If you just put the live rock in it is going to have die off and cycle your tank again. It sounds like you had the LR for a while and just put it in?


The tank has been cycling for about 2 months. I "fed" the tank to get it started in the beginning. I put LR in there about a week ago. There are two shrimp in there atm, as well. One LR came from an established tank, the other came from a community LR tank. And one rock is just a piece of coralite.


Ok that answered my question. Expect to have a amonia spike, it might be high but it will go up. I would leave it sit for at least a month before I added anything else. Thats probably the hardest part of the hobby but it would be for the best.


Wowm, 30 snails total? That seems like a lot.. What about the "packages" offered on the website. Which one of those do you all recommend for 30g?


Steph, as far as snails go you just cant plop 30 of them in your tank because they will starve. You will need to try and balance your need for cleaners to match what your tank will feed. Example if you start growing excess algea then add a few more cleaners and if you have no algee then you are over stocked. Alot of people I have noticed just love that they added 20 snails and in a day or 2 their tank was beautiful and had no algee left. What are the snails going to do now?


I agree with you on that. There is some dark green algae starting to grow, and the shimp just seem to be eating the "pretty" things that were on the rocks. I had some neat things growing on, and they ate it all. Pigs. They don't seem to be getting that dark green stuff though. My baby starfish has made residence eating the algae/scummy stuff at the top of the heater.
So far they've eaten:

And my little anemone thing


I just did a water check and sure enough, everything is going crazy. I was worried for a while that my PH would be too low, but it went back up, and so did the alk.
These are the weird white spots I noticed today.. They are REALLY bright white.. No clue what it is, doesn't seem like ich or anything..


I cant answer what they are but they are not ick. You need someone like loin or murph or someone that has more knowledge than I do to help with that one. I would try a half dozen hermits for the algea. My blue legs eat it up.

sinner's girl

why do you have inverts if you're cycling? you're going to kill the inverts.

snails, imo, are boring. Shrimp, crabs, stars are fun to watch, urchins can be cool to. I stick with inverts I can feed, that way, I can keep them alive. If you only want one shrimp, CBS are way cool...crabs are fun too...one we had kept picking stuff up and sticking it to himself, forget which one. Cleaner clams don't do much, but are still cool, imo.
I always just add up enough inverts to = $79. If you need fish, you could get a fish or a pair of fish and add then with inverts (that way you'd get less inverts)
Wowm, 30 snails total? That seems like a lot.. What about the "packages" offered on the website. Which one of those do you all recommend for 30g?
NONE, make your own, that way, you can get what you want. I agree, don't just add 30 snails, I never had any algea, so all my snails kept dying (figured that part out later).
So, wait for your tank to cycle. Then get a clean up crew and fish. go slow.
also, what kind of star? some need established tank and aren't going to like changes in levels.
Good luck and tell husband he's going to have to wait a bit longer.