What and how often to feed my chocolate chip starfish


New Member
Through some reading I was able to find out that he eats, dead snails, shrimp, fish, so on and so on. So I gave him a small piece of thawed frozen fish, he opened up got super excited and ate it up! I gave him another small piece tonight and I didn't see the same reaction, he opened up but didn't seem to care there was food. How often should I feed him and is there something better?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hotwingz http:///t/397702/what-and-how-often-to-feed-my-chocolate-chip-starfish#post_3545795
Through some reading I was able to find out that he eats, dead snails, shrimp, fish, so on and so on. So I gave him a small piece of thawed frozen fish, he opened up got super excited and ate it up! I gave him another small piece tonight and I didn't see the same reaction, he opened up but didn't seem to care there was food. How often should I feed him and is there something better?


I always considered them part of the CUC, they eat the uneaten food the fish miss. The star isn't hungry because it's already gorged on more then it would normally find in a week. If you feed it, it won't do it's job...just like peppermint shrimp, if you feed them they won't eat aptasia because they are already well fed with no reason to work.


New Member
Ok. I didn't think the little scraps of food the fish missed would be enough. So these guys don't require a lot of food then? Maybe small piece of fish or shrimp every couple weeks to supliment his diet.