I have a 55gal tank, about 50-60lbs of lv and 70lbs of ls, i have 4 55watt blue and white 10,000k lights ((flourescent)) its 4 watts per gal, i have successfully kept a Seabae anemone for about 6months but im starting to dislike it, i like long tentacled anemones like BTA and LTA ive talked to several marine biologists and they recommend a BTA, i just want everyones' opinion on this, what anemone do you recommend, also ive heard of keeping more than one anemone in a tank can i still keep my seabae if i get a BTA i also have a Curly Q or an apastia thing, it came on my new piece of LR how do i get rid of it ive heard of kalwater stuff but is there any other way? Thanks