What Anemones recommended


I have a 55gal tank, about 50-60lbs of lv and 70lbs of ls, i have 4 55watt blue and white 10,000k lights ((flourescent)) its 4 watts per gal, i have successfully kept a Seabae anemone for about 6months but im starting to dislike it, i like long tentacled anemones like BTA and LTA ive talked to several marine biologists and they recommend a BTA, i just want everyones' opinion on this, what anemone do you recommend, also ive heard of keeping more than one anemone in a tank can i still keep my seabae if i get a BTA i also have a Curly Q or an apastia thing, it came on my new piece of LR how do i get rid of it ive heard of kalwater stuff but is there any other way? Thanks


Active Member
i suggest a BTA, and a way to get rid of the aiptasia it so simply buy a pepperment shrimp or use common sense and rip that sucker out!


there is a problem with ripping it out, if a tentacle comes off that will turn into another plus its in a deep crack in the lr so when i try to do that ig goes down deep.. im looking at peppermint shrimp but the ones ive seen are about 1 in wich is a little too short


Scare it into the hole... Then superglue the hell out of it!!!


Active Member
well if u pointed a powerhead on it, it should close up like a reg anemone, if not take some substrate and pore alot on it till it retracts, or do what Tizzo said :D ive never had one in my tank yet. ive also heard take the rock out if possible and over dose it with salt


well i dont want to harm the rock to much cause i have colored fan worms all over they come in hues of yellow red d blue orange brown white and more, but ill give some of those a try



Originally posted by *BTA*
I dunno if this was answered but, can i keep a seabae and a BTA in the same tank?

Normally its not recommend to ever mix species of anemones.
If you never had an anemone then you'll find it hard enough to have one let alone two.
However there is someone on this board who has recently posted about having a carpet and a sebae in the same 55 gal tank, and under rather low lighting as well. Normally its just a mix for disaster.
Like I said I don't recommend it