What anemones will a clown host?


New Member
I only have 40 watts of compact fluorescent light over my 10 gallon so I am limited to non-photosynthetic anemones. What can I buy that my clown will host?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35
mine has been running for about 7 months, with 1 BTA 2 clowns 1 mandarin, and 5 corals...my buddy who has a 80 said he was shocked that nothing has gone wrong hehe :)
dont get mad but sooner or later your mandarin is going to die, they eat like little pigs and little tanks like that there are not enough pods for it, not saying it to get on your case but please research before you buy


Active Member
Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35
I also have a 10g, in my dorm...my clown hosts in my BTA....my salinity levels are always great, but I keep up on it..with adding calcium and reef vital DNA every day.
adding cal and reef vita DNA isnt going to keep your salinity "great"


Active Member
ummm have not really heard of a non photo. anemone, they all need light you could get a tube anemone but a clown will not host it
edit: also anemones need really great water and its kinda hard to keep the water parameters and salinity right in little tanks


Active Member
Ya i too am blown away. Your tank your choice, but you are asking for trouble.
Your mandrine will starve unless you are feeding it pods weekly (by buying some pods). I assume your BTA isn't extremely healthy because i've only had mine for 3 months, and it has grown from the size of my fist to about a dinner plate size (8 or so inches from one side to the other side of its head). So even if it is healthy i'm sure eventually it is going to eat your mandarin.
As for the anemone, aside from 10 gallons being too small for an anemone, the only ones you could probably get are tube anemones, which will not host clowns.
I also have a 10g, in my dorm...my clown hosts in my BTA....my salinity levels are always great, but I keep up on it..with adding calcium and reef vital DNA every day.
mine has been running for about 7 months, with 1 BTA 2 clowns 1 mandarin, and 5 corals...my buddy who has a 80 said he was shocked that nothing has gone wrong hehe :)
nah, I don't take offence to anything..but first I didn't say the DNA for the salinity, and yeah I don't expect the mandarin to live long in MY tank, but its upgrading to a 38 in 2 months anyway, but via the pods...I do feed my mandarin live brine, which he tears up :) and I also have him eating the frozen I feed my clowns


Active Member
Haha, nice. As long as you are supplimenting the feedings. What you should do is try to feed the clowns first (since they are more agressive) then once they get their fill try to feed the mandarine (although the clowns will still go after the food but not as aggressively).
I would suggest on that 38 maybe having another HOB fuge or sump where your pods can populate. THe issue being in such a small tank they ahve no opportunity to repopulate - its a numbers game with them.
WIsh the best of luck to you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35
nah, I don't take offence to anything..but first I didn't say the DNA for the salinity, and yeah I don't expect the mandarin to live long in MY tank, but its upgrading to a 38 in 2 months anyway, but via the pods...I do feed my mandarin live brine, which he tears up :) and I also have him eating the frozen I feed my clowns

ur lucky to get one that will eat brine, it would be great if you could get it to eat mysid or mysis ( always forget the name) they have alot more nutrition in them
I sent my mandarin off today, to my buddys 38g...he's got a shitload of pods already in there, so im sure he will be alright until I buy my tank...I was thinking a 30, but anyway...the mandarins face was real skinny and he wasn't even green anymore, so I had to get him out...i'll post a pre pic and an after pic in a month when he's all better.


Active Member
I'm glad he is in a better environment. Make sure your buddy is buying pods to, 38 gallons isn't enough rockwork (assuming 38 lbs) to support the pod population needed for a mandrine. From what i've read you need at least a 55, and even then people were having to purchase pods.