what are 300 gallon demensions



i want a 300 gallon tank and my dad is sorta aggreing with me but i was wondering
if these demensions would come out to be 300 gals. 8 feet long 4 feet tall 3 feet wide
cause thats the size i want for a tank and if it isnt 300 gals tell me and whatever how
many gallons it is i will get no matter what the size :joy:


Active Member
if your dad buys you a 4 foot high tank , thats awesome, but IMO your going to have to higher someoen to custom build and install that and i would say would run you around $8-12,000 EASILY and if your going with all acrylic, its goign to run you alot more than that
also the filtration alone will probably run you another $4-7,000 bucks.. but if he is paying then go for it!! thats awesome!


yeah your right it is going to be exspesive but i want agressive fish and want them to have their room to swim and have their own little territories


Out of curiosity and not to start any argument, how's the Dog Face Puffer?
Just curious if it's doing alright.


hes eating slepping and roaming around the tank like a very healthy puffer


Originally Posted by surfinusa
i want a 300 gallon tank and my dad is sorta aggreing with me but i was wondering
if these demensions would come out to be 300 gals. 8 feet long 4 feet tall 3 feet wide
cause thats the size i want for a tank and if it isnt 300 gals tell me and whatever how
many gallons it is i will get no matter what the size :joy:

8'long by 4' wide and 3' tall. would be easier to clean and do maintance on. as it is you'll more then likely be sticking your head under water to reach the bottom.
8x4x3 is the demensions of my shark tank . it will be a strech to get to the back bottom of the tank but this gives the biggest foot print. I'll get some pictures posted as soon as its fully set up.


how much would it cost to build my own tank that is a little pricey but how thick would the
glass be im thinkin its about 3'' and if i could make it were would you get glass that thick :thinking:


Active Member
honestly this hasd to be more of a dream than reality, now that im thinking of this, what father in there right mind what buy there young son this..you have to realize to build, fil with water, sand, filtration etc. would cost about 25,000 if it were all glass or acrylic, plus another couple grand to pay the guys to set it up and arhictect this tank..i mean it would be like building a house!..it would all have to be special made(proffesionals would have to be hired). And if you were to put it in a basement that would be the only way to go other than putting more supports in your house to hold that weight..i mean ims orry but this is one of those "i wont belive anythint till is ee it" and i know i never will!!


instead of getting a tank that big right now but i will get adventualy i think a 175 gallon might be better for now but this is what im gonna get if i get a 175 emporer angel
clown trigger blue line trigger miniatus grouper guinea fowl puffer(even though its rare im gonna try and get it to the golden stage)black spotted puffer zebra moray and a powder blue tang and thats it


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
im gonna get if i get a 175 emporer angel
clown trigger blue line trigger miniatus grouper guinea fowl puffer(even though its rare im gonna try and get it to the golden stage)black spotted puffer zebra moray and a powder blue tang and thats it

I hope you're just joking.
To house those fish, together, you'd need bigger than your originally planned 300gal...not a 175gal.
That, and the simple fact the Clown and Blue Line Trigger will make mince meat out of all the other fish...


yeah you need to cut down alot of those fish, and i know a guy that just bilt a 305 gallon plywood tank for under 500 dollars, so you might want to go that route.


Originally Posted by surfinusa
hey mile high how much was your tank

Just the acrylic cost 2000$ . Thats before asembly thats just the sheets to make the tank. There will be another 500-1000 in the stand and canopy before its done . as well as 2000-3000 in the filtration system . 1000-1500 worth of live rock 750 worth of sand . for a total of 8000 dollars . Keep in mind this is for parts only . I'm doing all my own building and set up . This is befor I even start mixing up water.200 dollars worth of salt just to get it started. Then another 1000 - 2000 worth of live stock that will inhabit this tank. So all in all a very generous 10,000 $ But I'm sure the cost is far more than that. The monthly up keep is well over 200 dollars a month . I.E salt for water changes , new media for filtration , water bill , ellectric bill increase, feeding quality foods.
A tank of this magnitude requiers the highest dedication. This is not a deal that you can just pick up at the local store most everything is a special order. unless you have a killer LFS. You also have to consider a tank set up like this becomes a priority in your life and will take a lot of time to maintain.


Active Member
reeftank27 yeah you need to cut down alot of those fish, and i know a guy that just bilt a 305 gallon plywood tank for under 500 dollars, so you might want to go that route.
then he ripped himself off!! my 500 gallon will be around that easily!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MILE_HIGH
The monthly up keep is well over 200 dollars a month . I.E salt for water changes , new media for filtration , water bill , ellectric bill increase, feeding quality foods.
lmao I pay more than that each month for food alone for my fish and corals.300 gal and 125 gal running my elec bill is almost $400 a month i cannot even keep track of how much i pay each month for maintaning water quality such as salts, filter medias ect