What are grouper personalities like?


Had one it was a very cool fish until one afternoon it became very aggressive tried to eat everything in the tank incluiding a Porcupine bigger than he was so I dont think you will know until you see how the fish actually acts with your other fish

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panthers get huge and grow 8-12" in a year. But have smaller mouths than the others, So smaler fish are ok, to an extent.


I posted this earlier in another thread but my dad had a panther grouper before and he put an anthias in with it almost as big as it was and the anthias disappeared one day with the panther grouper on the bottom with a fat stomach.


Panthers are one of my favorite fishes I have to say. Polkadotted, Small head, Big body


Panthers are AWESOME! But they grow FAST. They remind me of dogs. They beg for food, they prop themselves up on their ping-pong paddle fins, they slurp down food like they've never eaten before, they like to watch you, they're pretty, and they're social.


we had a panther grouper and I thought we kept him well fed, he got along with the other until one day he feasted on everything that would fit in his mouth (he ate 2 clownfish, 4 firefish, 1 scooter blenny, 1 neon goby) needless to say that he then went to the fish store for a credit on my account, he was fun to watch and had alot of personality, but I could not afford his healthy diet.


Active Member
panthers are def very active fish.big appetite let me refrase that lol HUGE appetites .they will eat anything that will fit into its mouth.any fish you would not keep with a lion for fear of being eaten,same rule also applies for the grouper the mouth isnt as small as it appears to be.they are chow hounds.i suggest keep this fish with larger species.

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dito, I had one try to eat a goat fish of the same size 6-7" here is the newer big bo, I might need to get a smaller one.

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I will call him Flash Gordon, and he will be mine. This guy is so fast and he will hide for his next victom. With the blink of an eye the food is gone and he is back in his cave.

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I say no. One day the panther will decide they look good and boom they will be gone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
could i get a panther if i had clowns
yes and no sorry to confuse you but honest answer.if you were to get a larger maroon clown yes 5 inch or more and the panther is smaller than 8inches.any other type of clown is an automatic snack.but if you have a large grouper I would not attempt this either way.I say maroon because they are the largest and the most asgressive of clowns


that baby panther will double it's size in just a few months, our baby panther was about 1 inch long when we got him (just a tiny one) and in about 4 months he was about 6-7 inches long and that's when he started the clown fish. Just remember that the panther will grow and the chances of the clownfish growing that fast are not likely.