What are is the medication I should have on hand all the Time?


I am actually looking for maybe a small list. I just thought it might help me and my fish out in the future. At this time my pirple tang has an irritated spot in front of his tail fin. It is white like ich, but not ich. It is larger in size and has been there for 2 days. This is what it looks like.


Staff member
That spot looks like some surface tissue has been removed. Perhaps aggression?
Rather than keep meds on hand, you might want to find a lfs that supplies some basic meds, like formalin, Marex, Maryacyn2 for SWF, Furacyn readily available. Antibiotics have a shelf life, and most formulated meds do, so you don't want to necessarily just keep this stuff handy. If you QT a fish prior to it going in to a display, and plan your purchase, then you can ensure that basic meds are readily available at the point that you are acquiring new fish.


Oh thanks for the info. The tang could have scraped it on a rock or something I guess. He really is good with all the other fish. I have never seen him attack anything.
I have started a qt tank about 2 months ago. Unitl last week their have been no fish in there. All levels are good. I just bought 5 green chromis?, 2 of them did not make it 2 days. I have 3 now and they look fine. I can't wait to add them to the display. You guys have been soooooo much help for me and my new friends. I didn't even have a qt tank until I started to read all the posts on it that everyone here has had on the subject.
Thanks Again :D