What are my Clowns doing?


I have two True Percs in my 55 gal. FOWLR (Slowly becomming a reef). I just got these two the other day. Both came from the same LFS but from two different tanks. One is also a little smaller than the other. They seem to get along pretty well and most of the time are hanging out together. But every once in a while, one of them will start twitching at the other. Both are doing this. Is this some kind of "hi nice to meet ya" type of things?? Thanks!
- Og


Active Member
This is just a little dance that clownfish do. I believe its some type of courtship ritual or their way of saying 'Hey baby you're hotstuff!'
My clowns have been doing this since day one, and are very healthy and happy.
The male will dance vertically in front of the female when mating. Consider it foreplay. :D


New Member
I have two gold band maroon clowns and they also do this twitching type dance. They are bolth healthy and beautiful. I think it is very interesting to watch.


Thanks for all the info... Mine are still doing it and yes...it is very interesting to watch. They seem very healthy and happy.
Thanks again!
- Og
I had two clowns from different tanks, and my female killed the male! I dont know why, and no one at the fish shop could explain it to me, but my female seems happier by herself anyways (there are other fish besides clowns). Why do I always get the really mean females? I had a female beta that did the same, almost killed my male when they tried to mate, female fish dont like me :p


Ad far as Clowns go....the female is the leader of the pack (the most dominant). So I guess I could believe that the female killed the male if she didn't like him...
Betas: That really surprises me that the male almost died. Male betas are extremely aggressive and usually cannot be kept with ANY other fish (that is why they are kept in those tiny little hex tanks). The female betas on the other hand are very peacefull. If you mix the two, and the male doesn't like the female, he'll kill her. In all my years keeping freshwater fish, I was only able to breed betas twice because of the aggressive behavior of males.
That is why it surprises me to hear about yout betas.
Maybe you should stick with female fishes. ;)
- Og
Our golden maroon clown does the twitch when other fish come around his place in the tank. The most fun is watching him haul crushed coral around - regular little bull dozer!