What are my fish doing?

lady becca

Copperbanded Butterfly....
This fish is constantly swimming along the back of the tank. Back and forth, non-stop. It has been doing this for what seems like hours.
Flame Hawkfish....
Tries to swim up the wall of the tank, then sinks down, rests for a few seconds then does it again.
Lawnmower Blenny....
Acts like it is fighting with its reflection.
Are my fish psychotic?


Active Member
Are they new additions?
Any other reason they would be stressed?
How are the water conditions?
Any other "non-psychotic" fish in there?

lady becca

Yes they are new.
Tested all parameters. All are perfect.
I did just loose a royal gramma today. Maybe they are in mourning.


did you add three new fish in one day?
yes if they are new they are probably a little freaked out. give them time. check your water parameters.