What are my posiblitys


New Member
Ok first off I am new to the board. Names Jar3d as you can see. So hello everyone.
Anyways right now i own one ten gallon tank and basically what are the possiblitys with it if any im aware its a very small tank but im new to salt water fish,reefs,etc.. so any simple basic advice and what i can do with a 10 gallon tank would be helpfull.


Active Member
Maybe some nice PC lighting, a few shrooms and zoos, maybe a small fish or two. I'd go for some nice easy corals, you're limited as to fish.


I myself started off with a 10gal tank. I now have a 46 gal and I can tell you from experiance. UPGRADE just a bit now to like a 30gal. Almost everyone I have met wants a bigger tank. I found a 20" 96w PC and was able to keep some easy coral in it. I would sugest sticking witha damsal or a clown, or maybe even a clown goby. I wouldn't put more then 2 fish max in there, and that is pushing it. It is exteramly hard to keep good water quality in a tank that small. If it is slightly off it is a big deal in 10gallons of water vs. 30 or so gallons. It is much easier to make a mistake. Also with evaporation i found it very hard to keep and maintain a study salinity. now when I look back the money i put into exuipment for a tank so small was a waste. You will fill up a 10 gallon so fast and get bored with it, then be stuck purchasing equipment all over again for a larger tank. JMO


New Member
well I have yet to put any money in the tank I just have the tank its self, but I dont want to go to large or a tank and not be ready for it cause this will be my first saltwater tank. So maybe just go ahead and upgrade to something like a 30? how many fish and what kind of fish are good for that size and me just starting out?


Well if you upgrade to a 30gal or so you can get a large variety of fish. A pair of clowns, a ryoal grama, most gobys, there are many many possablilities. If you put on a HOB filter and skimmer and buy a decent light you will be able to do a lot with with the tank. (although some would disagree that this isn't the best setup for filtration it will get you started without dumping a TON of cash.
I have a 46gal bow front that i found used locally for about $70 tank and stand. I have a HOB filder which was maybe $30 and a HOB skimmer which was about $100. I am currently looking to upgrade my light which will be about $300 (but that is cheap concidering I can keep just about everything and my PC for my 10gal cost $150 and It wasn't a great light for some corals) I also went the cheap route and used sand that wasnt live. and I have about 50lbs of mixed live rock. So minus the light that I am currently saving for my tank wasn't too expensive. And you can do a lot with low light corasl like mushrooms and zoos if you don't want to invest in a light now. I know that there are going to be a lot of responses that this isn't the correct approch to take to salt water but I have had perfect water conditions for abou 2 years and everthing is thriving. The best thing to do in this hoby is to take it slow and do what your comfortable with.


New Member
Thanks starkissed ill just have to leave that 10gal be for now. I'm excitted for my first saltwater tank iv had many many freshwater but now iv decided to move on to saltwater im also nervous about how much money im gonna end up pouring into it tho lol.


a glass tank might be a little less costly.... id buy the glass tank and invest more money into lighting, filtration, etc...


New Member
If you check out the new hobbyist section there is endlist info on getting started in this addictive hobby. Read, read, and read
some more let your brain be a sponge and soak up all the info possible and you will do just fine.