What are some easy to take care of

jordan 150

Triggers and puffers are pretty hardy so are lions damsels and clown fish triggers are probably the hardiest i think besides for damsels also theres the snowflake eel that one doesnt die. I would go with a small piccaso trigger they are nice and intresting get it as a baby but as it gets older and bigger you would have to make a choice? Get a bigger tank or trade it in but that wont be for a couple of years if you buy it small.


I think a good combination for a 55 aggressive tank would be a fu manchu lion, valintini puffer, and snowflake eel, just be sure that the puffer and lion are large enough not to be swallowed by the eel. Include plenty of hiding places. Live rock would be my choice. Not only does live rock provide cover for your fish, it also acts as a biological filter. If you have not chosen a substrate yet, I would use a deep sand bed. Again an excellent biological filter. good luck...
Almost forgot... if you do go with the eel, be sure that the aquarium lid is escape-proof, if there is a way for the eel to get out, it will.
Thanks guys, I have not chosen a substrate yet. I will probabbly go with a DSB, and 20 lbs of LR to get things started; would get more but don`t have the $ to do so.


I agree that as long as the fish are small, you will be okay. But Snowflakes grow quickly, so get it small!


Just be careful,My snowflake caused alot of DSB problems,he dug around the rocks making his swimming trails and now my sand bed near the rocks is not the full 5-6" that it used to be.Has taked a few weeks for him to finally settle down and stop clouding the water by shaking his tail making his trails,