What are some good schooling fish for reef tanks?


Active Member
Basically I want to know how many fish it will take to school and what types of fish there are that will school together...Sorta like freshwater neon tetras.


Active Member
cardinals(i know pajamas will) and chromis
firefish amy, if your tank is big enough to house 6 or so


if your tank is big enough (100 gal plus) . try those hovering yellow tangs. a group of 6 will do.


Active Member
nope...we're talking 46 bow here... I'm looking for super small, super colorful... (or at least that is what my girlfriend wants!) I gotta make her happy!!! :) :)
I've never seen a reef fish the size of a neon tetra that schools like one too...Am I correct to think that there is no such fish as them in a reef setting?


Try a school of green chromis, They are fairly bright, and are very gentle in a school, The exception to damsels.


Active Member
can u mix blue and green chromis' in a school together? ie 2 blue and 2 greens??? Would this be too much for a 46 bow with a maroon clown and a royal gramma?


I don't know, some else would be better to answer this but my guess is you could mix them but they may not school because of the color difference. You could always get 4 blue-green chromis


Active Member
I was going to suggest anthias, but not for a 46, they really need a bigger tank, 100 minimum, but the firefish, either pruple or red would look cool, the chromis damsels also, but they are eatign and pooing machines, and almost impossible to catch if you ever want to get them out of the tank!
good luck


Active Member
they are a cool fish but just remember that the coral cats are extremely poisonous!!!!
be careful handeling them and working in the tank!


id go with the green chromises, pajama cardinals are good schoolers, also the bangaii but buy them all at the same time. try to find 3-4 hanging out together. pair of clowns, or pair of firefish would add some color to the tank. also blue gudgeons can be kept singaly or in groups great looking fish. very docile though do not keep with aggressive fish