What are some Non photosynthetic Corals


This its the first time I've ventured into corals, but I just bought an awesome frogspawn hoping my two clowns would host it because I know I can't keep an aneonome with my lighting. Well the clowns haven't paid much attention to it but WE love it!!
I am currently running 260 watts of p/c lighting in the 50/50 lamps over my 18 inch deep 75 gallon. What other corals could I keep that are fairly simple? I have also been adding the phytoplankton to my tank to feed the frogspawn. Is there any non photosynthetic corals out there? Alot of these web sites post photos of reef safe fish in sections... I wish they had sections of low light or non photosynthetic corals as well. If anyone has photos of theirs could you please post them so that I may have an easier time identifying these at the lfs. If all goes well I may take the MH dive !!! THANKS TO EVERYONE!!


Active Member
Leather corals need very little light. Mushrooms and zoos don't generally need a ton, with a few exceptions; what you've would be probably fine for them.


Active Member
Christmas tree coral is nonphotosynthetic and I've had it since november. syringe feed it zooplankton twice a week. Only problem with it is mine stays open all night and closed all day. Some do the opposite (mine used to). Never know which yours will do when you get it until you get it. Chili coral is suppose to be nonphotosynthetic as well. Dont have any experience with them but they are for sale pretty commonly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Navarcus
Any photos? What do you feed them exactly? :joy:

I think you feed them phytoplankton. You have to feed each "head" frequently, which can quickly foul up your water.


Active Member
any more low light stuff? i want to add some more beauty to my tank and start w/ the easy stuff