what are some other fishes you can add with a bamboo and a lionfish?


300g, but i'm not looking for anything that big really... just some nice fish that would add color to the tank but would be compatible and not aggressive with the shark and lion


Active Member
Some tangs would work. Large angels could be nippy, same is true of triggers. Grouper would work. Harlequin tusk would add nice color too.....


what about smaller angels? I like the way the clown tang looks as well the emperor and vermiculated angels. are clowns out of the question? The main think i want are some nice brightly colored fish. also should i have any probs with a invert cleanup crew with any of these fish?


You have to choose carefully with groupers. Their growth rate is typically faster than other fish. You would be suprised at the things they can swallow.


ok i think i'm just going to add a clown tang, and prob a dwarf angel with acouple of clowns and a cleanup invert crew of cleanup shrimp, turbos, and some hermits. do you guys see any problems with that setup?


Active Member
How do you mean a couple of clowns? Like clownfish? Because they will not go with the lionfish. Clown tangs are often incredibly sensitive so be aware you could have a serious issue with getting one to live. The shark poses a risk to crustaceans, part of its natural diet, so shrimp and crabs could be on the menu.


Originally Posted by ophiura
How do you mean a couple of clowns? Like clownfish? Because they will not go with the lionfish. Clown tangs are often incredibly sensitive so be aware you could have a serious issue with getting one to live. The shark poses a risk to crustaceans, part of its natural diet, so shrimp and crabs could be on the menu.
hmmmm, not even the bigger clownfish would go well with the lion? Well as far as inverts i guess i'm just gonna have to go to some hermits, a star and some snails... the lionfish and the shark are pretty passive so i guess i could stick some non aggressive fish in there and be ok just as long as they are the same size or bigger than the lion. is that correct?


Active Member
Basically. But nippy fish are a threat to the lionfish fins and the eyes of the shark. Also remember that not all seastars will be suitable for your tank....no Blue stars (or any "reef safe" Linckia, Fromia or similar), no sand sifter stars. Only non reef safe stars such as chocolate chip stars, general or red African are suitable. And the tank conditions should still be very good (especially specific gravity 1.025-1.026). Anyway, it is always a trick mixing aggressives with reef fish and invertebrates.
If you are not familiar with them, do look up Miniatus groupers, which have beautiful red coloration and do not get huge (about 18"). IMO suitable for the tank if you were sticking with larger (eg tangs, etc) fish. Definitely one of my favorite fish and often overlooked.


Yes, miniatus grouper a very bright colored and don't get to large. Here is a pic of my 14" specimen. The blue grouper next to the miniatus is a 21" specimen. They like to hang out by rocks and caves.



Active Member
Nice pics! Do you have info on the "blue grouper?" I've worked with one but we had a hard time getting a specific ID or original locality on it.


Its a blue speckled grouper ( Epinephelus cyanopodus ). Grows to 36" and comes from tropical and subtropical western pacific. Grows fast and will eat everything. Mine is as close as you could get to dog tame. I could pet it, rub its sides ect.


Active Member
Thanks! I agree that the one we had was a big puppy. A big puppy with the capacity to eat quite a few fish.


on a side note, i transferred the bamboo and lion to the new tank about 2 days ago and they are not eating, is this normal? also the bamboo seems to be breathing pretty hard opening and closing his mouth. The water was tested and it came back ok... maybe he's just stressed that he's in new tank?


Active Member
How big long has the new tank been cycled?? How long were they acclimated to the new tank and what were the differences in water parameters?


Active Member
For the members on here who have actually kept one.
What is the growth rate of a minatus? How long could a 4-5" indivudal be kept in a 75g?


Active Member
i keep a clownfish with my bamboo shark and my bammboo and both lionfish are HUGE compared to the clown.
also NO puffers, triggers or angles or your shark wont have eyes for very long