What are some small fish that are colorful and can fit in a 12 Gallon tank?

g r i p

New Member
Hoorah! I need to find fish like so fast bc my like bff like just started a tank and he like wanted to like know like what would like fit you know what i am sayinn?


Black and white ocellaris clowns x2
firefish purple or red


Originally Posted by G R I P
Hoorah! I need to find fish like so fast bc my like bff like just started a tank and he like wanted to like know like what would like fit you know what i am sayinn?

Your BFF should like slow down. Why do you need to find fish fast? It is a 12 gallon tank. How long has it been set up? What are the water readings?


Active Member
First when you asked, I was all like "whoah...you like totally DO need fish!"
then I was like "hmm"...like you know?
THEN I was like totally in thought and then I was like "OH Yeah....little fish fer days!" Ya know


Active Member
Slow down turbo, plan your moves and enjoy the hobby. Running out and filling a tank takes away from the overal experience of building it over time.
I would appologize for the dig in the last post but come now....I had to.
Welcome to the boards and may you have great fortune with the new tank.