What are the best and easyist clearners?


What are the best and easyist cleaners that will do well taking care of my fish and still eat other normal foods.
Shrimp, Wrass, Goby???


Active Member
I agree, the cleaner shrimp are easy to take care of and are very benificial to your fish. I've had my three cleaners now for 5 months, never had a problem with them at all, the easiest in my tank to take care of. The cleaners are also not shy and are most of the time out in the opening.


Active Member
Forgot to add that they are easy to feed too, they except a wide variety of foods, forzen brine, live brine, bloodworms, ect.
Hope this has been a help to you :)
i saw shrimp because they live longer than cleaner wrasse and when a cleaner wrasse dies a ick explosion can happen in the tank.so i saw shrimp and they live longer


im a big believer in SALLY LIGHTFOOT CRABS.
cleans constantly, lives longer than emeralds and hermits, inexpensive...


Active Member
The cleaner is definitely the best way to go! They are better in the long run, and when they die there is rarely an ick explosion. Just in case though, get a group of them, like 3 at once, and then you'll always be safe. Good Luck! <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />