What are the best substrate cleaners?


I've got a 28" deep tank and it's a pain to get to the bottom to clean the CC.
The lfs sold me a lawnmower blennie for the rock and this little guy works overtime keeping the rock clean.
What works hard at the substrate?


Get a clean-up crew. That usaully consists of snails, hermit crabs, shrimp, etc. Gobies do a great job with cleaning CC too, but watch out for your lionfish. I had a volitan once that swallowed a yellowhead sleeper goby.


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I like nassarious snails, ugly cucumbers, a small number of scarlet hermits and the critters from a good detravor kit (various worms, pods, etc...).


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I love my Watchman Diamond Goby! All he does all day is scoop up detrius and algae covered sand and spit it out clean!!!


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All of the things mentioned work well at cleaning sand but I am not too sure how well they will work at cleaning CC.