What are the differences in TDS Meters?


Active Member
So I've been shopping for a tds meter, There are are a bunch, I found some from the same place I bought my RO/DI unit for 23 bucks. They are hanna meters. There are others for 60? What is the difference between the 20 and 60 dollar units. I'm a big believer you get what you pay for, but if the margin of error is small, shouldn't it be the same?
And would you get something that mounts inline to the ro/di unit or a hand held?


Active Member
Why not see if you LFS will let you borrow one. I can't see it being a piece of equipment that you'll need on a regular basis.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Why not see if you LFS will let you borrow one. I can't see it being a piece of equipment that you'll need on a regular basis.
because I live in houston, and in houston people at stores the the biggest
I've ever seen, borrow something, yeah right. I'm lucky when I go into a lfs to have someone talk to me who knows what he is talking about, either it is just some kid, sleeping asians, or $*(# owners who only care about making a buck. ok I'm done now.
Well, I probably won't need it on a regular basis, but I'm morbidly curious as to the tds in my water after the ro/di, and the difference between just ro and the di. And I want to stick it in a bottle of aquafina, you know that bottled water figi, well that has the tds of the water in it listed on the back, I want to see if that is accurate. I wonder what the tds of my tap water is, what I really want is a spectrometer to see exactly what is in the water...

sign guy

Active Member
I like HM digitals inline meters. you can hook it up to your unit and check your levels at any time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
I like HM digitals inline meters. you can hook it up to your unit and check your levels at any time.
I second this one. I have it and it works great. Got mine from that big site.


Active Member
I was trying to deside between that an a simple hand held variety. I found an inline verson from an online retailer where I bought my ro/di for about 35 dollars. Or a hand held for 25.