What are the odds?...disappointed w/Koralia

j.r. 1221

So my 90g corner tank is finally ready to start up. I bring home 2 Koralia 4 that LFS just got in.......The first one doesn't even work. The other one ran for 24 hours before it died...wtf? Can I really trust that these things are going to work if I get another pair?


Active Member
sure maybe it wasnt seated right..take apart and put it back together.
I have had 2 #4, 3 nanos, and 2 #1's and i have never had a problem with any of them.


Well-Known Member
I never had any trouble at all with Koralias but with the regular ones...1 died in a week, another lasted a month and the third one just didn't put out enough flow, like it was clogged.
Sometimes I think it is the store. They get a defective back, tweak with it and put it back on the shelf?

My #4s are going strong, my #3 is fine and the #1 just doesn't put out much at all. I use it to swish water around when I am making new saltwater.


I only have a 29g but have two Koralia Nano's that have been perfect since out of the box (about a month now).

j.r. 1221

Thanks, it's good to hear that my experience is a rare one. I'll pick up 2 more tomorrow. (maybe I'll have him test them out first)


Active Member
the only problem that I have with mine is that I tried to mod them to get flow out of them and the new impellor doesnt quite work like its supposed to.